Saturday, February 16, 2008

Brokenness and Restoration

This past Sunday, our church started a six-week series entitled "Lent". It's hard to believe, but we are swiftly approaching Easter and the celebration of Jesus' resurrection from the grave and death's ultimate defeat. Now is a good opportunity to spend extra time reflecting upon the life of Jesus and the reason why he came from heaven to earth in the first place.

The first step for me in reflecting upon the sacrifice of Jesus is to examine my own brokenness and need of healing. Last Sunday's message re-focused my attention on my need for a Savior. (To hear an audio recording of the message, click on Southside Church Podcasts on the left-hand column of my blog.) The truth is, all of us are broken -- we all have hurts, habits and hang-ups that keep us from living the full, abundant lives he desires for us. I need to spend some time examining my life, asking God to help me see all the hurts in my life that have caused me to become too protective of myself, perhaps causing me to keep some people at arm's length who might really need a friend to love them. (Once again, it's about loving others as much as I love myself -- something that does not come naturally to me.) I also need to ask God to show me what habits and hang-ups I have that are getting in the way of loving Him with my whole being and also loving others as myself.

The great news of God's love is that he wants to restore our broken lives to his original design, so we can have unbroken, eternal fellowship with him. God wants to make us whole again. Jesus came from heaven to earth, lived sinlessly, died sacrificially and rose from the dead to make that restoration possible. God's love for us is relentless -- he never gives up. His mercy and grace endure forever.

Although I've probably sung it hundreds of times, the old hymn Amazing Grace has a whole new meaning to me this Lenten season than ever before.

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost but now am found,
Was blind, but now I see.

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