Monday, February 18, 2008

God, Einstein and Quantum Theory

My 5-year-old son, Jamie, is really fascinated with the solar system, space exploration and the universe as a whole. Ever since he watched the space shuttle Atlantis launch on TV last June, learning about outer space has been his passion. We've learned that our solar system is just one tiny part of the Milky Way galaxy, and that there are millions more galaxies in the universe. Many astronomers believe the universe goes on forever, and still others believe that there are new formations every day. It's so hard to conceive of the vastness and splendor of the universe. I amazed that God not only could conceive of the universe, but he created it.

All if this has reignited an interest in me to learn a bit more about astronomy. I found this short article that discusses Albert Einstein's view of God. He believed in a Creator, but not in a personal God who has a specific will. Everything, according to Einstein, simply followed the patterns and natural laws that God put in place. Because of this, he rejected quantum theory, which asserted that there is some randomness to the universe. Newer discoveries in astrophysics are giving proof to quantum theory (which, frankly, I don't even begin to understand) and that there are both randomness and rules in the universe. It's as if the Master Artist had a plan for his creation, but just for his own pleasure, threw in a few unexpected elements to spice it up a bit. Now that's not so hard to imagine, is it?

For the complete article, Einstein’s View of God by Nancy Ellen Abrams and Joel R. Primack, click here.

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